PMP® Exam Prep Boot Camp - PDF

The Mathis Group is leading the industry in providing training for the Project Management Institute (PMI®) Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam. Our 4- or 5-day, intensive PMI® PMP® Exam Prep Boot Camp course is guaranteed to help you pass the PMP® certification exam. We do not play games with your time, money, or career. We are extremely serious about helping you earn your PMP® Certification. To that end, our PMP® exam course methods have proven to be over 95% effective in helping our students pass their PMI® PMP® certification exam, and we back up that 95% passing rate with the number one guarantee in the industry:

The Mathis Group PMP® Reimbursement Guarantee: In the unlikely event you do not pass the PMP® exam the first time, The Mathis Group will pay for your second attempt within 30 days. If you do not pass the PMP® exam the second time, we will pay for the third attempt within 30 days. *Note: The Mathis Group will pay the retake fee amount that is applied to PMI® members. The Mathis Group will not pay for any rescheduling fees assessed by PMI® .

In our 4- or 5-day (35 Contact Hours/PDUs), intense project management professional development course, students are enthusiastically led through our custom project management professional study guide using a combination of PowerPoint presentations, thought provoking classroom activities, and stimulating discussions. Students also use custom test taking strategies, flash cards, and process charts to help them memorize all the needed information for the PMP® certification exam. Come study PMP® Exam passing techniques in a focused, professional, encouraging, and fun environment.


PMP® Exam Preparation Study Guide and Resources:
Included in the price of our PMP® Exam Prep Boot Camp course, you will receive a digital copy of PMI® Authorized PMP Exam Prep. As a PMI® Authorized Training Partner, we are approved to use prep material that comes directly from PMI® . You will also receive practice tests, a memory chart, and additional Earned Value and Critical Path examples.

We have the utmost confidence in you to be able to pass the PMP® certification exam. Whether you have taken the PMP® certification exam before and failed or if you have just been too scared by the horror stories of others, come and join us for a journey to successfully passing your own PMP® certification exam.

This could be the start of a whole new level of professional advancement and success for you. Why wait? Don't let fear overpower you any longer. Come pass the PMI® Project Management Professional certification exam with us.


To sign up for one of our
Quarterly PMP® Exam Prep Boot Camps
call today!



Course Outline:

Course Length - 4 or 5 Days

Contact Hours - 35

Course Description: If you are taking this certification course, you probably have some professional exposure to the duties of a project manager, or you may be considering embarking on a career in professional project management. Your ability as a project manager to demonstrate best practices in project management—both on the job and through professional certification—is becoming the standard to compete in today's fast-paced and highly technical workplace. In this course, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute to successfully manage projects.

This course is specifically designed to provide you with the proven, practical body of project management knowledge and skills that you need to demonstrate project management mastery on the job. This course is a significant part of your preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP® ) Certification Exam.

The course enables candidates to develop professionally, increase their project management skills, apply a formalized and standards-based approach to project management, and seek career advancement by moving into a formal project manager job role, as well as to apply for Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI® ) PMP® certification.

Method of teaching: Students will use discussion, cases, and group activities to facilitate the course.

The Mathis Group PMP® Reimbursement Guarantee: In the unlikely event you do not pass the PMP® exam the first time, The Mathis Group will pay for your second attempt within 30 days. If you do not pass the PMP® exam the second time, we will pay for the third attempt within 30 days. *Note: The Mathis Group will pay the retake fee amount that is applied to PMI® members. The Mathis Group will not pay for any rescheduling fees assessed by PMI® .

PMP® Exam Prep Course Content: The course content focuses on PMI® Authorized PMP Exam Prep.

Course Objectives:
Lesson 1: Creating a High-Performing Team
Lesson 2: Starting the Project
Lesson 3: Doing the Work
Lesson 4: Keeping the Team on Track
Lesson 5: Keeping the Business in Mind

• Professional and Social Responsibility
• Test-taking strategies and techniques
• Project Management definitions, process charts and formulas
• Practice exams, scenarios and activities

What You Receive
Digital Copy of PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Prep
Pre- and Post-Class Assessments
Additional vocabulary practice tests
450+ practice test questions
Memory Chart
Additional Earned Value examples
Additional Critical Path examples

Course Outline - PDF Format